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July '07

  Sadly, dingo had to overhaul his server setup, and when it came back, the
  cvs server was missing the website.  So no more rollbacks, and no easy

  On the plus side, we do have some script work coming along.  fn0rd is offline
  for the summer, but we've moved most of his scripts to another bot.  I also
  managed to get the quotebot database operational again!  And this time, it is
  here to stay ... at least, until that box goes offline too.  (Give Daddymack
  some thanks if you ever get the chance.)

  I also activated an RSS script.  It checks RSS feeds from various sites, and
  posts links to the channel.  This turned out to be rather controversial, as
  a busy RSS site equals a lot of spam in the channel.  (Really the problem was
  that tokyotosho.com gets a lot of off-topic bullshit posted, but hey who am
  I to judge.)  Anyway, drop in and take a look, this is just a test phase, so
  I wouldn't mind hearing some opinions.  Better still, if you know a site that
  runs quality RSS feed, we'll plug it in and see how it looks.


March '07

  Wow, a whole year and not one news update.  Sound familiar?  Well, like I 
  said last news post, we're busy.

  dingo did a great big update on the website, and I thought it was so awesome,
  I decided we had to keep it to ourselves.  So if you noticed the site went
  from average to AWESOME, but now it's back to average, then ... you noticed
  right.  I just reverted to the old engine.  But I intend to bring back the
  prettier features, and maybe clean stuff up a bit.  That's right, it's just
  me.  Nobody else seems to care enough.

  Need to add a help section back, too.  Should be there now, but as you 
  probably noticed, it's empty.  Anyone got some docs we can just dump in there
  or something?  Shoot me a msg.

  And who knows?  Maybe we'll finally start on the BitTorrent project, too!
  We 'Fiends gotta keep our time filled with some shit ...


February '06

  Okay so this is really March 2006, but I meant to do it last month!  What can
  I say, we're a busy crowd.  The cvs server is living loud, thanks to dingo's
  wheelin' dealin' Pentium4 server acquisition.  We got code coming in courtesy
  of akirax and theedge, and DNS services courtesy of slinker and dingo himself.
  Come see the quotes!  Come see the scripts!  Come see the new domain!  That's
  www.animefiends.com, for you wtf-n00bs out there.  

  Now if only we could actually do something anime-related, that would really
  be great, eh?  Also drop by if you have some ideas!  We'll get to that torrent
  stuff sooner or later.  You just wait.


January '06

  Dingo is bringin the noise!  We just gathered all our projects together in a
  CVS repository; among other things, this will allow us to colaborate on the
  website, and update it live!  I feel all tingly!  Anyway, we are also starting
  to gather old logs together, so maybe someday we'll be able to run a 
  searchable log database or something, better more ancient stats, etc.  But
  first, comes the new, oldschool ascii member section!  Look forward to it!


December '05

  Nobody uses irc to trade anime anymore, if they do, they're dopes.

    I've begun a CVS repository for code, and have done the best I can to get
  everybody logged in and how to use it. Hopefuly we can begin a torrent-like
  project that can revive the channel to its peak one last time.

    When #af started, only .jpg's were traded on usenet, and a few months later,
  realmedia videos started showing up for some very crappy anime series. ftps
  became the preffered method because of the large filesize, and later fserves
  because of queues. We were always there to feed the need for an animefiend.
  So much so, we once offered over 50 servers to 300 users.

    But we sat on our lazy asses, and just let the momentum carry downward,
  while users seeked out p2p models outside of irc.

    Bittorrent sites are terribly ad-polluted, .asp-driven, slow-loadin'
  garbage. Lets try to code a new model for searching and sharing torrents
  over irc. Bots that serve .torrent files, other bots that help seed torrents,
  RSS feeds of new .torrents, etc.

    Lets keep torrents off the web, and put it on irc where it belongs, where
  people are anonymous, and can discuss and share anime in absolute realtime.

    So what do you say? Join the effort! ask dingo for a cvs account, and if
  you already have one, make an effort to commit something.


October '05

  Got IRC stats running.  Just a local thing though.  I don't know what I'll do
  if the webserver changes.  Hopefully by then we'll have a new design anyway,
  and we can just rethink the stats page anyway.  So check it out, link should
  be on the left.  Sure, the Monthly runs are a cheap shell script, but who
  the fuck doesn't love stats?  Love them, bitches!


October '05

   That's right, it has been that long since the website was ransacked.  This is
  a way old version we are using now, but it will have to do until we finish up
  some other projects.  Then we can write something spiffy for all you leeches.
  This webserver is a POS cablemodem, so the ascii will have to wait too.
  Meanwhile, you can enjoy that badass oldschool aF ascii logo.  I bet you dingo
  did it by hand!  You should praise him!  Anyway, keep the chan alive, serve
  some anime if you feel like it, keep those torrents seeding, and keep things


February '04

   See? That only took two years. Actually I'm not sure if this is the most
  recent news page I'm updating. Our previous hosting softwareimpact 
  changed my password and I'm unable to retrieve the most recent web page --
  so I'm also unable to modify it. So alas, we have a new web host.
  So as the new intro states, akira is working on a 'fserf' script that is
  already working very well.  It retrieves a list of file servers and surfs
  each one recursively -- retrieving a file listing of each directory and
  storing it into a database. Since our new host allows us to make changes
  the idea is to post the file and fserve listing online. *_^

  Update to Febuary and May 02: Maitre says 14 year old femmines are ok too.

   Pingmeep got me strife, but I didn't have the internet and put it on a
  remote shell and lost it (the shell). Then of course she got pissed and
  split again.  ho hum. So I'm _STILL_ looking for strife.

   Oh and for you talking addicts make sure to check out gley's channel
  statistics. If the BOsFH supers and rootstyle didn't delete a years worth
  of archived irc logs it would go as far back as 2000.

          find / -name '*.log' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf

   I wonder if they know they can echo the output before premoving it...

          But don't sweat... I hear the new version of mandrake 
                  might come with a recycle bin! w00t!


October '02

   New page shortly. More stats, more useless anime art in ascii. Why would
  anyone come to this page anyway is beyond me.


July '02

   I did (am doing) a new ascii page for all ascii-related info. Also
  we have a new member, gley. Will asciify him shortly. 900gbs of hard
  drive space ^_^


June '02

   Seems our young friends Redmumba and Axion from point-blank.cc made a 
  pretty spiffy anime review forum. With great synopsis and open-board 
  discussion. I have reviewed some of them myself. I would highly suggest 
  a look for any series or movies that you have not seen and maybe a review 
  or two for any that you have and enjoyed.

   Added some shit for the members, thanks to our new host at priority 
  colocation we're loaded up with cgi, php, sql, etc. For our members this 
  means a public forum, and e-mail@animefiends.net addresses with 
  redirections, pop3 accounts, or web-mail. Kudos to porcupine. Best web 
  host i've ever come across. May statistics along with the new anime-ascii 
  art will be up shortly.

   With web-based news out of the way, the channel has been doing fine. 
  We've cut down on the botnet alot due to efnet's new 'JUPES', chanfix, and 
  other measures that prevent the fear of loosing a channel. Nice, but it 
  takes out all the fun ^_^

   Quite a few new fserves, along with the loss of quite a few .edu 
  connections. Channel has been at a steady 280 persons, with about 40 
  voiced (non-official) members. Probobly one of the few channels where 
  there are more voices than there are ops :P


May '02

    Right, right. So... uhm.... new website... more ascii art... my modem got
   zapped and I got a full time job so there will be less updates.. I will and
   have been making sure to update the monthly statistics and ascii art,
   will continue to do so. I think the #animefiends peak is 331, probobly the
   top we'll hit this school year since your average college is coming to a
   close. So siyanara college kiddies, see ya next year. Oh, we're still
   looking for sexy 16 year old femmines, and the full version of that
   id-software's doom spinoff game called 'Strife'.


Febuary '02

    Well damn we did it again, #animefiends hit 300 users. This makes it
   the highest recorded this year. Last year we officialy hit 310 but 
   if i recall correctly I think that had to do with some large join-flood
   so I'm not sure if it even counts. I think we hit about 290-300 legitly.

    On other news we're working (not very hard, mind you) on converting 
   phpBB into like some kind of anime review forum. Unfortunatly supers 
   doesnt want to run a MySQL server (and who would eat 32mb of ram for a 
   lil' ol dingo's fanatical demands?) so untill we get a stable MySQL 
   server its on the backburner for a bit.

    Also our newest member is Akki, most of you probobly know who he is.
   I know I said there were going to be no new members but Draconis left
   ( He didn't want to use CTCP triggers, we did ) the group so I figured
   what the hey we got room. Besides Akki is damn generous enough to let
   me slowly leech Perfect Blue for the past 3 weeks (I just finished 
   tonight, thank you very much).

   Hmm and as always we're looking for more recruits, please msg NeoDingo
  on #animefiends @ efnet if you can fill any of these positions:  

       * Dial-up 14.4 VAX shells

       * BBS Board SysOps in UK and Ethiopia area

       * Homosexual partner(s) for Maitre

       * Have a copy of that old game 'strife' for DOS.

       * asci artists

       * Sexy 16 year old femmines

^ back to top 

  Close the world ... txEn eht nepO