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   APRIL 2000                                                                           ~~NuQ:_.__..{::j:'              
   The story of Animefiends starts years ago. Somewhere inbetween 1996 and 1997
 beowulf and dingo found refuge on a now nonexistant irc server called         
 'cobranet' (last known as ircnet?). Warez trading was much different back     
 then. I should remind you that in these days only gods owned 56k modems, and  
 1:10 ratio ftps were considered a 'good find' for your average leecher. I bet 
 most people who pirate software these days dont even know what a ratio is!    
 Cobranet was something revolutionary. Though small (about a thousand or so    
 clients), all ftps were no ratio (enforced by klines and kills).              
   The problem with this, was it led to a large ratio of leechers to servers.  
 So I started my own channel and invited beowulf, ^pig^, and others I forget.  
 The rules of the channel was everybody can leech from everybody. As long as   
 they had an ftp themselves.                                                   
   The success was was pretty significant. Most channels you start get to 4    
 or 5 people on a friday night when the weather is bad. But this one actually  
 got up near 15 (untill a florida hurricane wiped out four users for an entire 
   I can't quite remember why, but we moved the channel to newnet sometime in  
 1998, probobly to follow the other warez channels on cobranet such as         
 #Warez'r'us or whatever. Mainly it was run by Dingo and Beowulf. There were   
 others, like ergo, pig, icemaster, beergod, and asbu. By this time broadband  
 was getting around (though unavaialable to any of us), and our 10 user channel
 was in competition with 100+ people. Me and Beowulf got in a fight and        
 #warezfiends closed down.                                                     
   Beowulf became an ircop on a net I can't recall, and I went on my own ways, 
 joining phrozen crew on efnet, alt.2600.warez on newnet, and a few others. Now
 crippled with a still 28.8 connection the only good i served to the warez     
 community was botnet and channel administration.                              
   Somebody else who heard I and beowulf wern't talking set out to get us      
 together again, and we both agreed we couldn't recall why we had stopped      
 talking so theres no point in keeping it that way. We decided to re-open      
 #warezfiends and get the old gang together.                                   
   The old gang wasn't around much. And there were over 100 warez channels on  
 newnet by this time. We had done as many channels do -- died and revived only 
 to find we were too late in the game.                                         
   About this time, I joined a small (very small) warez channel -- I think the 
 name had something to do with 'ftps' and fserves was ruining the warez        
 business. Some guy named void served nearly a gig of hentai (manga, there were
 no videos yet), and I quickly got beowulf hooked on the stuff too. Asking     
 void whats up with this jap shit, and where he fetches it, he told us of some 
 newsgroups and another guy on dalnet we quickly recruited to newnet named     
   Arovin served warez, but had some hentai and a small (very small) collection
 of anime -- about 10 ranma 1/2 season 1 episodes (22mb real media) and a four 
 part (vivo) battle angel alita. We downloaded everything Arovin served and    
 loved it -- and by this time we had seeked anime in the real world, watching  
 akira, ghost in the shell, etc.                                               
   So, "Why don't we start an anime channel?". #warezfiends had NO success,    
 nor did we expect to have any. Beowulf said if we're going to have a shitty   
 channel it might as well be for something unique. Chanserv, which you must    
 register a new channel on through newnet, states the exact time we started    
 the channel as "Registered: Mar 14 12:45:22 1999."                            
   So we got Void to serv hentai, Aerith to serv mp3s, Arovin to serv the      
 videos. Soon we had 5 or 6 people, all chattin about anime and LSD and having 
 a good ol' time.                                                              
   Beowulf got a free shell because a friend from high school or wherever      
 started a (now _very_ major, not so much at the time) shell server. We put    
 up a XDCC Bot. I think the first one was called Pen-Pen, after the character  
 from evangelion (so far our favorite series). It served the first 15 episodes 
 of ranma 1/2 on a very fast line (for its time). Its record was 160KB/s or so.
 It was really just an advertising coy, because we put it in warez channels    
 with an advertisement "Brought to you by #animefiends". For the next month,   
 about twice a week somebody would join and say, "Wow! I didn't know people    
 traded anime on the internet!", or "Woah, I didn't know there were anime      
   Soon enough, we had 3-4 fservs, some xdccs, and a collective total of about 
 4 gigs of anime. We were the only anime trading channel on newnet. The only   
 other anime channels on newnet were #anime, owned by animepix(correct me if   
 im wrong), which was usually empty. and a Sailor Moon channel (yech!). We were
 the only ones in town, any anime fan there was on newnet was probobly in      
   A couple months passed by, the channel got around 20-30 people. A success   
 in itself. To consider all the millions of channels, only 5% of them have     
 more than 20 people. But of course, where there is success, there is jeleousy.
 I fail to recall the names, or the channels, but some people didn't really    
 like the idea that there were 3 ops who controlled all of the anime           
 distributing on newnet, so some people started their own anime channel, which 
 is fine by me. The more anime channels, the more attraction, and the better,  
 right? Wrong. They didn't try to attract more people to their channel, they   
 just tried to attract the people in my channel to thiers! They would advertise
 "Join #animewhatevr because #animefiends sucks blah blah blah" 2-3x times a   
      (update: The channel was #animemedia, and they're still lame as ever)    
   Finally we had enough. We set a script on the bot that would ban anybody    
 who was in their channel, because 90% of people who were ended up spamming.   
 Oh how pissed they got. For a good month no one could come to terms with      
 anyone. Twice I gave the other channel a chance, went to a 3rd party channel  
 and tried to talk it over with them nicely using a mediator, but they seemed  
 pretty damn pissed about whole banning their channel, it seems it prevented   
 their channel from growing. Who would want to sit in just their channel and   
 get a little anime, when they could join #animefiends and get a hella-lot     
 more? Boy was he pissed, curse words over insults. No comprimise could be     
 made, so i kept the channel banned.                                           
   We never merged, we never invited, we never spammed even. The closest we got
 was "Brought to you by #animefiends" at the end of the xdcc bots, which didn't
 even run anymore, and I hardly think anyone complained, we were running a     
 freaking oc3 xdcc bot for christ sakes.                                       
   The war on newnet went violent. Every day I dealt with people who just hated
  the channel and spent all day trying to destroy it in some fashion, flooding,
  spam, recruiting, etc.                                                       
   Then acid|rain asked if we knew about efnet. There were two anime channels  
  on efnet, #anime and #animeheaven. animeheaven was a strict ftp-only anime   
  channel until the very end. I hadn't known about the anime channels because  
  efnet dropps a dial-up connection when you do a channel list.                

   We soon realized efnet was a whole different place, and just the sort of     
  enviroment we needed. Although much harsher in the respect of skilled attacks,
  it was much less lame and competitive. We decided to move the channel to efnet
   On our first week we got taken over by one of our fellow ops Gokou-san, who  
  was a former #animemedia op we shouldn't have trusted in the first place.     
 basicly from scratch all over again. We had two things going for us, which     
 was Phage and Fusion88. Fusion88 had a cable modem and a good 20gigs of anime. 
 Phage had a fast connection at his college and a lot of anime himself (Phage is
 still with us today!)                                                          
   We were the first anime channel on efnet to use fserves, which was already   
 a very popular concept in warez channels, but not in anime. anime channels     
 on efnet that existed at the time, such as #animeheaven were full of very      
 uptite people, who would ban at the very site of an fserve ad. FTP ads were    
 also banned, and people basicly traded in private chats, giving private ftp    
 accounts, and not usually serving for the public. We changed all that.         
 At April 2000 that I write this, there are currently 234 people in             
 #animefiends, and well over 15-20 fserves and ftps currently running..publicly.
   Already #animefiends went farther than we ever expected, and it is definitly 
 a success. But not a complete success. Our goal is to have a channel full of   
 good people, with lots of serving, and little leeching. But most importantly to
 host a community where everyone gets along, and everyone enjoys being in. I    
 think we've accomplished that, and after 5+ years of channel administration,   
 It's about fucking time.
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  Close the world ... txEn eht nepO